Beat Bounce is a 4-player music game developed by Samuel Vonäsch, Aurelio Lucchesi, Jack Hoefnagel. The game as well as our custom built controller were developed in five days for the Social Sound Workshop in Zurich in February 2013.
In BeatBounce four player fight against each other, each one trying to push the others of the platform and to be the last object standing. The movement is synchronized with the beat. – If you want to play BeatBounce right now go to the Play it! section and play it in your browser. – But if you want the real BeatBounce experience play it at a party with our custom made controller!
For more pics check out the gallery…
So if you want to have BeatBounce at a party near you, contact us and we’ll figure something out…
[ylwm_vimeo height=”360″ width=”640″ portrait=”false” byline=”false”]62272213[/ylwm_vimeo]